About Us
Our studio believes people have been thinking for too long that art is a privilege of the museums and the rich. Art is not business. It does not belong to banks and fancy investors. Art is food. You can’t eat but it feeds you. Art has to be cheap and available to everybody. It needs to be everywhere because it is the inside of the world. Art soothes pain. Art wakes up sleepers. Art fights against war and stupidity. Art sings Hallelujah. Art is for kitchens. Art is like good bread. Art is like green trees. Art is like white clouds in the blue sky. Art is cheap. HURRAH! - Bread and Puppet Glover, VT, 1984

Our Story
Spiral Arts Studio was founded in 2017 by Daniela de Sousa and Genevieve Govoni, artists, educators and ballbreakers. From the makeshift studio in the basement to over 2500 square feet of community arts space, Spiral Arts came together with grassroots efforts to gather, create, inspire, and grow.
We are a well respected and thriving community with a history of commitment toward our community and our artists. While we’re dedicated to creating our own art and providing space to artists and enthusiasts to work and teach, we’re also devoted to bringing art making to the forefront of entertainment and education.